Parks and Preserves

Tread lightly. Leave no trace. And enjoy all nature has to offer.

Lands for all to enjoy

It is essential to understand the uses and restrictions of various kinds of public lands. Parks, trails, and walks are common types, while preserves are recognized for their ecological, natural, or cultural values and protected by laws. Land trusts are often privately owned but managed by organizations dedicated to preserving land for current and future generations.

Be aware if you will be on public or private land. Whether hiking or biking, angling, or ATVing, always stay on a designated trail. Plan around peak hours of the day to avoid crowds on the trails.

Land Trusts

Arundel Conservation Trust

Arundel Community Trails, Welch Woods

Great Works Regional Land Trust

Keay Brook Preserve, Newichawannock Woods, Berwick

Douglas Memorial Woods, Goodwin Forest, Eliot

Bauneg Beg, Mountain Conservation Area, Grants Meadow at Beaver Dam Heath, Grover-Herrick Preserve, Negutaquet Conservation Area, North Berwick

Beach Plum Farm, Kimball Farm North, Ogunquit River Trail Network, Payeur Preserve, Ogunquit

Desrochers Memorial Forest, Kenyon Hill Preserve, Orris Falls Conservation Area, Rocky Hills Preserve, Savage Wildlife Preserve, South Berwick

Perkinstown Commons, Tatnic Woods, Wells 

Kennebunkport Conservation Trust

Emmons Preserve, Smith Preserve, Tyler Brook Preserve, Grist Mill, Goose Rocks Beach, Goat Island Lighthouse, Ganny’s Garden, James Woods, Various Harbor Islands

Kennebunk Land Trust

Kennebunk Wildlife Management Area, Alewive Woods Preserve, Clark Preserve, Mousam River Wildlife Sanctuary, Sea Road Preserve, Wonder Brook/Murphy Preserve, The Secret Garden, Butler Preserve, Madelyn Marx Preserve, Oxbow Preserve, For All Forever Preserve, Hope Woods

Town of Wells Wildlife Commons

Fenderson Wildlife Commons, Tilton Homestead Wildlife Commons, Perkinstown Wildlife Commons, Great Haith Wildlife Commons 

York Land Trust

Highland Farm Preserve, Hilton-Winn Preserve, Mcfeely Preserve, Mcintire Highlands Preserve, York Land Trust Headquarters, Smelt Brook Preserve,

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